Full Metal Jousting - The worlds original Extreme SportNew HISTORY® series, premiering Sunday, February 12 at 10 p.m., revives the world’s original extreme sport
The combat in FULL METAL JOUSTING is no choreographed renaissance faire. It’s 100% authentic, with a twist: traditional armor is replaced with modern suits of steel weighing 80 pounds, and 11-foot-long, solid fir lances are used as weapons. Living and training together, the 16 FULL METAL JOUSTING contestants prepare for battle. Their backgrounds vary from an ex-Marine stunt man and a professional polo player to a bull rider. But all have a full contact background with nerves of steel to bring back history’s oldest sport in its rookie season. Adams is the former president of the World Championship Jousting Association. He holds 17 international jousting titles and co-founded numerous competitive spectacles around North America. ---WATCH THE VIDEOS---
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